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12th Standard English Medium Physics Subject Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Creative 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 5
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. An electron of mass m and charge e is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of V volt in a vacuum. Its final speed will be ______________.


    \(\frac { eV }{ 2m } \)


    \(\frac { eV }{ m } \)


    \(\sqrt { \frac { 2eV }{ m } } \)


    \(\sqrt { \frac { eV }{ 2m } } \)

  2. Einstein's work on photoelectric effect gives support to _______________.


    E = mc2




    hg-\(\frac{1}{2}\) mv2


    E=\(\frac { h }{ \lambda } \)

  3. Gases begin to conduct electricity at low pressure because ______________.


    at low pressure gases turn to plasma


    colliding electrons can acquire higher K.E due to increased mean free path leading to ionisation of atoms


    atoms breakup into electrons and protons


    the electrons in atoms can move freely at low pressure

  4. The value of stopping potential when the frequency of light is equal to the threshold frequency is _________________.









  5. According to special theory of relativity the only constant in all frames is _____________.








    velocity of light


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