Term 1 Health and Hygiene 3 Marks and 5 Marks Questions

7th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 40
    5 x 3 = 15
  1. Why first aid is essential?

  2. What does this picture mean?

  3. What steps you will follow to keep the Teeth healthy?

  4. Your friend says that her hair is thin, spares and lost very often. Suggest your ideas to reduce this problem.

  5. A person is sleeping during day time. Why does this happen with some people that they feel sleepy during day time in office or in the classroom. Have you ever come across such situation? Explain.

  6. 5 x 5 = 25
  7. Write about any three Communicable diseases in details.

  8. List the situations in which first aid is given. What would you do if a person suffers from skin burns?

  9. How the disease are transmitted from one person to the other person?

  10. Write a note on causes and symptoms of Anaemia.

  11. List the diseases affecting the eye, their causative agents, impact and Remedial measures.


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