Jharkhand State Co-operative Bank - Chief Executive Officer

Jharkhand State Co-operative bank is one of the major means of helping and financing small farmers which helps them in creating means to achieve their needs for agriculture. Most of the people in Jharkhand are highly dependent on agriculture for their needs hence to facilitate development and upliftment of society at large such Co-operative Banks were created which are governed by the Bihar Co-operative Societies Act, 1935. Jharkhand State Co-operative Bank has also been one such entity which has helped needy farmers, artisans, craftsmen and other labourers in a various ways. Their main domain through which they help them is ‘financing’. The structure of the Bank includes Secretary, General Manager, Managing Director, Manager, Accounts Officer and many more. The bank also displays wide range of transparency by uploading its financial statement over its official website.

Applications are invited for the post of Chief Executive Officer (Managing Director) by Jharkhand State Cooperative Bank Ltd. from eligible candidates. The appointment will be made initially for a period of three years on contract/deputation basis.

Jharkhand State Co-operative Bank - Chief Executive Officer 2021 Experience

Experience: -

  1. The person shall have at least eight years (preferably 10-15 years) work experience at the middle/senior level in the banking sector.
  2. Senior/middle level for the purpose shall be taken as the third level (Scales/Cadre) onwards [i.e. excluding the first two levels (Scales/cadres) in the officer cadre], or as the highest two levels (Scales/cadres) below the level of CEO.

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