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12th Standard Accounts Ratio Analysis English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020 - 2021

12th Standard

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Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Answer all the questions

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. Current ratio indicates


    Ability to meet short term obligations


    Efficiency of management




    Long term solvency

  2. To test the liquidity of a concern, which of the following ratios are useful?
    (i) Quick ratio
    (ii) Net profit ratio
    (iii) Debt-equity ratio
    (iv) Current ratio
    Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


    (i) and (ii)


    (i) and (iv)


    (ii) and (iii)


    (ii) and (iv)

  3. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?


    Liquid ratio – Proportion


    Gross profit ratio – Percentage


    Fixed assets turnover ratio – Percentage


    Debt-equity ratio – Proportion

  4. If both items in a ratio are from balance sheet, it is classified as___________


    Inter statement ratio


    Income statement ratio


    Balance sheet ratio


    All of these

  5. Which ratio indicates the efficiency of utilisation of fixed assets?


    Inventory turnover ratio


    Trade receivables turnover ratio


    Trade payables turnover ratio


    Fixed assets turnover ratio

  6. Shareholder funds includes __________


    Equity share capital, preference share capital, reserve and surplus


    Loans from banks and financial institutions


    Equity share capital, preference share capital, reserves & surplus and loans from banks


    None of these

  7. Cost of goods sold is Rs.4,00,000 and average stock is Rs.8,00,00. Stock turnover ratio will be ___________


    5 times


    4 times


    7 times


    8 time

  8. _____ is the most important and powerful tool for measuring performance of a business enterprise.


    Cheque analysis


    Ratio analysis


    Fund flow statement


    None of these

  9. ______ gives the proportion of current assets to current liabilities of a business concern.


    Current ratio


    Turn over ratio


    Quick ratio


    None of these

  10. _____ means the firm's ability to meet its liabilities in the long run.


    Long term solvency


    Short term solvency




    None of these


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