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12th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Data Manipulation Through SQL Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 15

    3 Marks

    5 x 3 = 15
  1. What is SQLite?What is it advantage?

  2. Mention the difference between fetchone() and fetchmany()

  3. What is the use of Where Clause.Give a python statement Using the where clause.

  4. Read the following details. Based on that write a python script to display department wise records
    database name:- organization.db
    Table name:- Employee
    Columns in the table:- Eno, EmpName, Esal, Dept

  5. Read the following details.Based on that write a python script to display records in desending order of
    database name :- organization.db
    Table name :- Employee
    Columns in the table :- Eno, EmpName, Esal, Dept


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