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12th Standard English Medium Maths Subject Differentials and Partial Derivatives Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

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Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    2 Marks

    5 x 2 = 10
  1. A sphere is made of ice having radius 10 cm. Its radius decreases from 10 cm to 9.8 cm. Find approximations for the following:
    (i) change in the volume
    (ii) change in the surface area

  2. The time T, taken for a complete oscillation of a single pendulum with length l, is given by the equation T = 2ㅠ\(\sqrt { \frac { 1 }{ g } } \), where g is a constant. Find the approximate percentage error in the calculated value of T corresponding to an error of 2 percent in the value of l.

  3. Show that the percentage error in the nth root of a number is approximately \(\frac1n\) times the percentage error in the number.

  4. Let f, g : (a, b)→R be differentiable functions. Show that d(fg) = fdg + gdf

  5. Find df for f(x) = x2 + 3x and evaluate it for
    x = 3 and dx = 0.02


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