Applied Chemistry Model Question Paper

9th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 40
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. ____________ Present in the lemon juice acts as electrolyte.


    Sulphuric acid


    Nitric acid


    Hydrochloric acid


    Citric acid

  2. Which of the following methods is suitable for preventing iron frying pan from rusting?


    Applying grease


    Applying paint


    Applying coating of zinc


    All the above

  3. Chloroform reacts with oxygen and forms this toxic substance, hence it is not used now


    Carbonyl chloride


    Carbon dioxide


    Carbon monoxide


    Carbon disulphide

  4. Paracetamol is an _____________.









  5. Congo red is a __________.


    Direct dye


    Vat dye


    Basic dye


    add dye

  6. 5 x 3 = 15
  7. Define a 'Drug'.

  8. What are the two categories of drugs.

  9. List out the characteristics of 'dye'.

  10. What is balanced diet?

  11. What are direct and indirect dyes? Give example.

  12. 4 x 5 = 20
  13. What are the characteristics of drugs?

  14. List out the drawbacks of Nanomaterials in chemistry.

  15. Explain the important applications of Radiochemistry.

  16. Explain how alcohol test ls done to identify Drunkards.


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