Odisha Gramya Bank - Office Assistant

Odisha Gramya Bank is one RRB in the state of Odisha covering 13 districts with 475 branches and 30 Ultra Small Branches. Odisha Gramya Bank came into existence with amalgamation of three RRBs i.e. Neelachal Gramya Bank, Kalinga Gramya Bank and Baitarani Gramya Bank with effect from 07.01.2013 as per Govt. of India Notification dated 07.01.2013. Indian Overseas Bank is the Sponsor Bank for the new rural bank i.e. Odisha Gramya Bank.

Odisha Gramya Bank publish every year employment advertisement for the several posts for office assistant (Multipurpose). Desire aspirants who have IBPS RRB qualify score card can apply online before the close date. 

Odisha Gramya Bank - Office Assistant 2021 Application Fees

IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2017 Application Fee:

  1. All the SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates must have to pay 100/- Rupees.
  2. All the General and OBC candidates have to pay 600/- Rupees application fee.
  3. Candidates can pay the application fee through the net banking, debit card, credit card, etc.

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