Assam Joint Admission Test ( Assam JAT )

Assam Joint Admission Test is conducted by the Director of Technical Education, Assam. It is conducted for the candidates who aspire to take admission into the various undergraduate courses in the engineering college, medical college, regional dental college and ayurvedic college in the state of Assam and NIT ( Assam state quota ) are also selected through Assam JAT. Every year the time and venue of the entrance is notified by the Director of Technical Education in Assam Gazette and other newspapers as well. Generally, Assam JAT is held in the month of May every year which is liable to changes.




Assam JAT 2021 Biology Syllabus

Assam JAT 2013 Biology Syllabus :


Assam Joint Admission Test: Below mentioned topics are part of whole course syllabus of Assam Joint admission test (Asaam JAT) admission test, which will be very helpful to be successful to crack it with highest marks.

Introductory Biology:

Meaning of Life:/ The molecular basis of life/ continuity of life… Life as an expression of energy../ Steady state and homoestasis, self duplication/ Adaptation/ Death- a positive consequence of life, Positive and negative aspect of progress in biological science, tools and techniques in biological studies ( a brief outline about light and electron microscopy, and uses of chromatography, calorimetry, auto radiography)Identification of human responsibility in shaping our future.


Cell as a unit of life/ cell theory and exception to cell theory/ cell as a self-contained unit/ Commonness of cell/ Concept of cellular tot potency

Cell Types: Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes/ Ultra structure of plant and animal cell.

Cellular organelles: their ultra-structure and function/ Biomolecules of the cells, chemistry and functions of Inorganic Minerals, water, gases.

Organic: Mono and oligosaccharides, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol, nucleotides.

Complex organic components: Polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids.

Enzymes: Chemical nature, classification, properties mechanism of action (elementary idea only)

Vitamins: Chemical nature, deficiency diseases, Membrance transport an elementary idea

Cellular respiration: fermentation, biological oxidation (glycolysis, kreb cycle and electron transport system)

Cell cycle, cell division: Mitotic and Meoitic process, differences and significance


Enormous diversity in living organism and need for their classification, principles of classification and concept of species, taxon and category hierarchical level, nomenclatureSystem of classification-artificial, natural, phyllogentic and modern trends.

Classification of plant kingdom:

Five kingdom concept-a brief idea of different kingdoms.

Diversity of Life: Virus- structure and reproduction; Monera- structure and reproduction of bacteria, cyanobacteria (Anabeana)ProtistaStructure and life history of diatoms Structure locomotion, nutrition, osmoregulation and reproduction of AmoebaLife history of malarial parasite.

Fungi : a brief account of Zygomycetes, Ascomytes, Basidiomycetes (with special reference to mucor, yeast and Agaricus, Lichen and mycorrhiza).

Plantae: Green algas (chlamydomonous, Red algae and brown algae (general account).

Bryophytes: (Moss-polytrichum); Pteridophytes: (Fern-poly podium); Gymnosperm (pine) and Angiosperm: (General account of their basic features, types and habitats)

Animalia: Animal body pattern and symmetry, Body cavity of invertebrates and vertebrates.

Classification of animal kingdom, important features with reference to habitat and examples of phyla: porifera, coelentrata, helminthes, annelida, mollusca, arthopoda, echinodermata and chordata (including pisces, amphibia, reptilia, aves and mammalia)

Forms and function: Roots, Stem, Leaf (including modification), Phyllotaxy.

Reproduction and development in angiosperm: Asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction structure and function of flower, inflorescence, sporogenesis, gametogenesis, pollination, fertilization, development of embryo, endosperm, seed and fruit, forms of fruit, mechanism of seed dispersal, defensive mechanism.Tissue in flowering plants-meristematic and permanent tissue, tissue system, secondary growth, typical organization of tissue in stem (example sunflower, maize, curcurbita), root (example monocot and dicot root), leaf (example-isobilateral and dorsiventral).


(a)    water relation of plant life (b) absorption of water and minerals, their transport (ascent of sap) (c) Transpiration-mechanism factor and significance (d) Mineral nutrition-mineral nutrition and its essentially in plants. (e) Photosynthesis-photochemical and biochemical phases, diversity in photosynthetic pathways, Photosynthetic electron transport, photophosphorylation, Photorespiration (brief) (f) Translocation of food (g) Special modes of nutrition in plant (brief) (h) Plant growth (i) Plant hormones and growth-regulation, agricultural use of synthetic hormones (j) Germination and dormancy of seeds. (k) Photoperiodism and vernalization (i) Plant movements- a brief account.


(i) Animal tissue, Epithelial, Connective, muscular and nervous

(ii) Nutrition- different types; digestive system and process of digestion in invertebrates (Cockroach)Digestive- system: of goroi fish, toad and Man; process of digestion and absorption in mammal (with reference to mammal)

Respiratory system: structure of respiratory organs, mechanism of breathing, gaseous transport.

Circulatory system: composition, structure and function of blood, coagulation of blood; group and its significance; blood vessels; structure and pumping action of heart; lymph.

Excretory system: structure and histology of kidney, nephron, its structure and function, composition of urine; role of skin and lung in excretion.

Nervous system: central, peripheral and automatic nervous system, reflex action

Sense organ: an elementary knowledge

Endocrine system: hormones and their function of pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, islet of langherans, adrenal and gonads.

Reproduction and development of animal life: Asexual and sexual reproduction, gametogenesis, reproductive cycle of human; fertilization, a brief account of development up to germinal layers in mammal.ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF LIFE:

Origin of life: Oparin and Miller-Urey's experiment.

Organic evolution: evidences of organic evolution (fossil evidences, embryological evidence, evidences from morphology and comparative anatomy) Theories of organic evolution with special reference to Darwin's theory of natural selection elucidating (a) Common ancestry (b) mechanism of variation and natural selection (c) Origin of species, Reproduction and geographic isolation and speciation.

Genetical basis of evolution, Lederbergs' experiment on micro ecolution.

Continuity of Life:

Mendel's experiment with garden pea, idea of factor, laws of inheritance, Monohybrid and dihybrid ratio, incomplete dominance, multiple factor.

Chromosomes: Eukaryotic and prokaryotic and special Chromosomes, function of chromosomes, chromosomal basis of inheritance. Linkage, crossing over and recombination, sex determination and sex-linked-inheritance, human genetics with reference to some genetic diseases & genetic replication.

DNA: as a genetic material, evidence from bacterial transformation and viral replication, structure and replication of DNA, Genetic code and protein synthesis, genetic engineering.

Environmental Biology & Conservation of Nature & Natural Resources: Component and basic features of ecosystem, biotic and a biotic factors, ecological succession, major ecosystems (a brief outline), man-make ecosystem, ecological cries, concept of Biosphere, bio-geochemical cycle, (Carbon, Nitrogen cycle), interdependence of all organisms.

Natural resources: Renewable and nonrenewable and their conservation, importance of forests.

Conservation of wildlife: Causes of extinction of some wild life, concept of endangered species, with reference to some example from NE Region of India, Conservation strategy, Concept of Sanctuary and National Park, Sanctuaries and National Parks of Assam with their wild life, fauna.


Environmental pollution: Air, Water, Soil and Noise pollution.

Application of Biology: Bioenergy, biofertilizer, Industrial microbiology and biotechnology-scope and application, Plant breeding and improvement of crop.Sources of the following plant resources, their uses with special reference to NE India.Medicine, Timber and Fibres.

Plant diseases: late blight of potato, rust of wheat, blast of rice, their causative organism, symptoms and control. Elementary knowledge of fresh water fish culture, induced breeding, sericulture with reference to muga and sericulture.

Human diseases: cholera, amoebiasis, tuberculosis, Hepatitis, AIDS, Leprosy, Cancer, their cause, symptoms and control.

Immunization: Principles and significance.

Human population: Growth, problems and control.

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