Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology( APIIT ) National Admission Test ( NAT ) Engineering Entrance Examination

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology ( APIIT ) SD India is one of the best engineering institutes in Haryana situated in Panipat, established by SD Education Society with the objective of overcoming the critical worldwide demand for skilled Engineering and Management Professionals. Today, APIIT is an established leader among the best engineering colleges in Haryana region for providing the best in Engineering and Management education. APIIT had Conducted the National Admission Test ( NAT ) for Engineering Admission. Applications are invited from the eligible candidates. Admission will be based on JEE Main-2015 Merit Score for 75% of Total intake ( Includes 15 % All India Nationals ) and 25% of admission based on NAT Merit Score this is conducted by APIIT. APIIT invited the applications for NAT Entrance Examination for the Academic year-2015.

APIIT NAT 2021 Biology Syllabus

National Admission Test ( NAT ) Entrance Examination Biology Syllabus-2015:

For B.Tech:

Admission will be based on JEE Main-2015 Merit Score / NAT Entrance Examination:

From Class XI:

Unit 1: Diversity in Living World

Biodiversity; Need for classification; Three domains of life; Five kingdom classification; Salient features and classification of plants into major groups-Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms; Salient features and classification of animals-nonchordate up to phyla level and chordate up to classes level.

Unit 2: Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants

Morphology and modifications; Tissues; Anatomy and functions of different parts of flowering plants; Animal tissues; Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems.

Unit 3: Cell Structure and Function

Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life; Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; Plant cell and animal cell; Cell envelope, cell membrane, cell wall; Cell organelles-structure and function; Endomembrane system-endoplasmic reticulum; Chemical constituents of living cells; B Cell division.

Unit 4: Plant Physiology

Transport in plants: Movement of water, gases and nutrients; Mineral nutrition: Essential minerals, macro and micronutrients and their role; Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis as a means of Autotrophic nutrition; Respiration: Exchange gases; Cellular respiration; Plant growth and development: Seed germination; Phases of Plant growth and plant growth rate.

Unit 5: Human Physiology

Digestion and absorption; Alimentary canal and digestive glands; Role of digestive enzymes and gastrointestinal hormones; Nutritional and digestive disorders; Breathing and Respiration: Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in humans, Occupational respiratory disorders; Body fluids and circulation: Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood; Composition of lymph and its function; Human circulatory system-Structure of human heart and blood vessels; Excretory products and their elimination: Modes of excretion- Ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; Human excretory system-structure and fuction; Urine formation, Osmoregulation; Locomotion and Movement: Types of movement- ciliary, fiagellar, muscular; Skeletal muscle- contractile proteins and muscle contraction; Skeletal system and its functions Disorders of muscular and skeletal system; Neural control and coordination: Neuron and nerves; Nervous system in humans; Chemical coordination and regulation: Endocrine glands and hormones; Human endocrine system-Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Gonads; Mechanism of hormone action and related disorders.

From Class-XII:

Unit 1: Reproduction

Reproduction in organisms: Reproduction, a characteristic feature of all organisms for continuation of species; Modes of reproduction in plants; Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Development of endosperm and embryo, Development of seed and formation of fruit; Special modes-apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony; Human Reproduction: Male and female reproductive systems; Reproductive health: Need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD); Birth control; Amniocentesis; Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies.

Unit 2: Genetics & Evolution

Heredity and variation: Mendelian Inheritance; Deviations from Mendelism-Incomplete dominance, Co-dominance, Multiple alleles and Inheritance of blood groups, Pleiotropy; Elementary idea of polygenic inheritance; Chromosomal disorders in humans; Down’s syndrome, Turner’s and Klinefelter’s syndromes. Molecular basis of Inheritance: Structure of DNA and RNA; DNA packaging; DNA replication; Central dogma; Transcription, genetic code, translation; Gene expression and regulation-Lac Operon. Evolution: Origin of life; Biological evolution and evidences for biological evolution from Paleontology, Gene flow and genetic drift; Hardy-Weinberg’s principle; Adaptive Radiation; Human evolution.

Unit 3: Biology & Human Welfare

Health and Disease; Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases. Improvement in food production; Plant breeding, tissue culture, single cell protein, Biofortification; Apiculture and Animal husbandry. Microbes in human welfare: as biocontrol agents and biofertilizers.

Unit 4: Biotechnology & its Applications

Principles and process of Biotechnology: Genetic engineering. Application of Biotechnology in health and agriculture.

Unit 5: Ecology & Environment

Organisms and environment: Habitat and niche; Population and ecological adaptations. Ecosystem: Patterns, components; productivity and decomposition; Ecological Services-Carbon fixation, pollination, oxygen release. Biodiversity and its conservation: Red Data Book, biosphere reserves, National parks and sanctuaries. Environmental issues: Air pollution and its control; Water pollution and its control; Ozone depletion; Deforestation.

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