University of Mumbai Distance Education MCA Entrance Examination

University of Mumbai invites applications for MCA Course through Distance and Open Learning mode for 2014 intake through entrance test.

Distance & Open Learning is a distinct approach to impart education to learners who are removed in space and / or time from the teachers or the teaching institution on account of economic, social and consideration. A need for such an approach was felt by the University of Mumbai and hence it established the Directorate of Correspondence Courses in the year 1971-72. In the year 1993, the Directorate of Distance Education was upgraded as ‘Institute of Distance Education’ It thus acquired a status as a ‘University Institution’.

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University of Mumbai Distance Education MCA Entrance Examination Syllabus – 2014

The questions in this paper will cover: logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, high school mathematics, vocabulary, English comprehension and verbal ability.

General Aptitude:

The main objective of this section is to assess the general aptitude of the candidate to pursue a computer applications and software profession.


Fundamental operations in Algebra, Expansion, factorization, Quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, binomial theorem, permutations and combinations.

Probability and Statistics:

Basic concepts of probability theory, Averages, frequency distributions, and measures of dispersions and skewness Binomial, Poisson, normal distributions, curve fitting, and principle of least squares, correlation and regression.


Ratios and proportions, problems on time-work, distance-speed, percentage.

Basic Set Theory and Functions:

Set, relations and mappings.


Areas, triangles and quadrilaterals, area and circumference of circles, volumes and surface areas of simple solids such as cubes, spheres, cylinders and cones.

Computer Basics:

Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Structure of Instructions in CPU, input / output devices, computer memory, memory Organization, back-up devices.

Data Representation:

Representation of characters, integers, and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, Binary Arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication.

Computer Architecture:

Block structure of computers, communication between processor and I / O devices, interrupts.

Computer Language:

Assembly language and high level language, Multiprogramming and time sharing operating systems, Computer Programming in C.

Operating System basics:

Multiprogramming and timesharing operating systems.

Programming in C :

Data types, Control Structures, Arrays, functions, pointers.

Database Management Systems:

Data Models, Structured Query Language, E-R Diagrams, Normalization, primary key foreign key, RDBMS

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