10th Standard English Medium Science Subject Creative 4 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 40
    10 x 4 = 40
  1. Give examples for Newton's third law.

  2. Explain the Sign Conventions of lenses.

  3. With an illustration, explain the method of Calculation for linear expansion of an object.

  4. Write any five electrical components used in electrical circuit and draw its symbol.

  5. Write the difference between the sound and light waves.

  6. Explain the uses of radio isotopes in medicine field?

  7. Give the applications of Avogadro's hypothesis.

  8. How will you predict the nature of chemical bonds using electronegativity values?

  9. Write some solubility substances in water at 25°C.

  10. Explain the classification based on the direction of the reaction.


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