10th Standard English Medium Social Science Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 125

    5 Marks

    25 x 5 = 125
  1. Major issues faced by farmers in India.

  2. Iron & Steel and Software industries.

  3. Describe the major challenges of Indian industries.

  4. Explain the importance of mass communications systems in India.

  5. Explain the List of fundamental duties.

  6. Write the classification of different sectors contribution in GDP.

  7. Draw the pie chart for sector wise Contribution of GDP Growth in India for the year 2018 - 2019

  8. Write the goals of World Trade Organisation

  9. Give an account of Dheeran Chinnamalai's confrontations with the British.

  10. Explain the course of Munda Rebellion under Birsa Munda.

  11. Explain how the Congress Ministry functioned after they won the elections in 1937?

  12. Describe Tamil Nadu floods of 2015. What will you do before, during and after landslides.

  13. Write about Forest Fire and Risk Reduction Measures .

  14. Write about Earthquakes and Risk Reduction Measures.

  15. Write about the organization at the district level that manage disasters in the state of Tamil nadu.

  16. Write about leather and Paper Industry.

  17. Write about Cement and Automobile Industry.

  18. Write about India and its neighbours.

  19. Describe about India and Nepal relationship.

  20. Briefly explain the name of the global grouping and their objectives.

  21. Explain the important ongoing schemes in Tamil Nadu.

  22. Explain the Multi-dimensional poverty index 2018 in Tamil Nadu.

  23. Briefly explain the role of government in development policies.

  24. Explain Industrialisation in the colonical period?

  25. Briefly explain any five major industrial dusters and their specialisation in Tamil Nadu.


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