GEO - Climate and Natural Vegetation of India 2 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

10th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Social Science

Time : 01:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 26

    2 Marks 

    13 x 2 = 26
  1. Define ‘Meteorology’.

  2. Name the trees of tropical evergreen forest.

  3. What is ‘Project Tiger’?

  4. What are Mango showers?

  5. Write a note on Riverine forest.

  6. Define Wildlife.

  7. Write a note on Convention on Biological Diversity.

  8. What is a wildlife sanctuary?

  9. How can Indian Natural vegetation be classified?

  10. What are biosphere reserves?

  11. What do you mean by Monsoon?

  12. What is natural vegetation?

  13. What are the factors controlling the climate of India?


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