New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Working with Typical Operating System Model Question Paper

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. Which is the default folder for many Windows Applications to save your file?


    My Document


    My Pictures


    Documents and Settings


    My Computer

  2. Identify the default email client in Ubuntu?






    Internet Explorer



  3. Which is the default application for spreadsheets in Ubuntu? This is available in the software launcher?


    Libre Office Writer


    Libre Office Calc


    Libre Office Impress


    Libre Office Spreadsheet

  4. Which of the following is not an access applications?


    Word processing







  5. In which version of windows the mouse was introduced?









  6. 5 x 2 = 10
  7. Mention the different server distributions in Linux OS.

  8. How will you log off from Ubuntu OS?

  9. Name any four most popular Linux distributors.

  10. Name the Linux server distributions are associated with price.

  11. In what way Ubuntu and other OS are similar?

  12. 5 x 3 = 15
  13. Are there any difficulties you face while using Ubuntu? If so, mention it with reasons.

  14. Differentiate Thunderbird and Firefox in Ubuntu OS.

  15. Differentiate Save, Save As and Save a Copy in Ubuntu OS.

  16. Differentiate between Windows 7 and Windows 8.

  17. Write a note on window.

  18. 4 x 5 = 20
  19. Observe the figure and mark all the window elements, Identify the version of the Windows Os.

  20. Write the procedure to create, rename, delete and save a file in Ubuntu OS. Compare it with Windows OS.

  21. Explain the different types of icons of windows desktop

  22. Explain the elements of Windows.


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