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11th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    2 Marks

    25 x 2 = 50
  1. Define "Bio-diversity".

  2. What are the key characters of living organisms?

  3. What are the main criterias for systematics?

  4. What is Five Kingdom classification? Who proposed this?

  5. What kind of adaptations extremophiles have to live in the extreme conditions.

  6. Why pig nosed frog in India is called Bhupathy's purple frog?

  7. Bioluminence is advantageous to ctenophores.

  8. All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.

  9. Distinguish between invertebrates and Vertebrates.

  10. How are muscles classified?

  11. Name the functions of epithelial tissue

  12. Differentiate Male & Female cockroach.

  13. Do earthworms have power of regeneration?

  14. Certain enzymes are produced in an inactive form and need to be activated before digestion of food. Give reason.

  15. Write dental formula for human milk teeth.

  16. Why do we breathe faster during any kind of hard physical work?

  17. What is the role of mucus cells during respiration?

  18. What is elastase?

  19. Name the functions of Albumin and Globulin

  20. Why is spleen called as graveyard of RBC?

  21. What is hypertension?

  22. Explain the disorder of rheumatoid heart disease.

  23. What is foramen magnum? what is its significance?

  24. Name any four types of Synovial joints

  25. Identify the parts marked as A, B, C and D for the below diagram

      A B C D
    (a) True ribs Sternum False ribs Floating ribs
    (b) Sternum False ribs Floating ribs True ribs
    (c) False ribs Floating ribs True ribs Sternum
    (d) Floating ribs True ribs Sternum False ribs


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