New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

11th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    3 Marks

    25 x 3 = 75
  1. What is Robotics?

  2. Write the advantages of fingerprint scanner.

  3. Write the merits of fifth generation computers.

  4. Define Hardware and software.

  5. Perform the following expressions. (FACE)16 = (?)2

  6. Describe binary number system.

  7. Complete the Table
     1)  0 x 0 = _
     2)  1 x 1 =_​​​​​​​
     3)  1 x _= 0
     4)  _ x 0 = 0

  8. What is microprocessor? 

  9. What does word size determines? 

  10. Write a note on RISC processor.

  11. Write the usage of operating system.

  12. Identity the type of operating system for the following Statement.
    (a) It allows same applications to be accessed by multiple user.
    (b) It is used to access shared data and files that reside in any machine around the world.
    (c) It allows only a single user to perform a task at a time.

  13. Write the functions of OS.

  14. What is an operating system and how are they classified based on Interaction?

  15. Write a note on BOSS.

  16. Name the activities done by os related with the process management?

  17. Write note on File Allocations Table (FAT)

  18. Write a note on Ubuntu OS.

  19. How will you create a shortcuts on the desktop?

  20. Write note on windows XP.

  21. What is the use of abstraction?

  22. What does specification of an algorithm consists.

  23. Write the Iterative control flow statement.

  24. Write a note on Pseudo code.

  25. Name the three control flow statement.


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