New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

Electronic Data Interchange - Two Marks Study Materials

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30
    15 x 2 = 30
  1. Define EDI.

  2. List few types of business documents that are transmitted through EDI.

  3. What are the 4 major components of EDI?

  4. What is meant by directories in EDIFACT?

  5. Write a note on EDIFACT subsets.

  6. Who is the father of EDI?

  7. What is Paperless Payment?

  8. What is another name of Direct EDI?

  9. How many alphabets require for EDI message?

  10. What are the types of EDI?

  11. Why EDIFACT subsets have developed?

  12. Mention some International accepted EDI Standards.

  13. What is mean by TDCC?

  14. What is EDIFACT Segment

  15. What is web EDI?


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