New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard Biology Important 1 Mark Questions

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    Answer all the following questions.

    50 x 1 = 50
  1. The mode of sexual reproduction in bacteria is by ______.


    Formation of gametes


    Endospore formation




    Zoospore formation

  2. The male sex hormone testosterone is secreted from _____.


    Sertoli cells


    Leydig cell




    Prostate gland

  3. The glandular accessory organ which produces the largest proportion of semen is ______.


    Seminal vesicle


    Bulbourethral gland


    Prostate gland


    Mucous gland

  4. The milk secreted by the mammary glands soon after child birth is called ______.









  5. Identify the correct statements from the following.


    Chlamydiasis is a viral disease


    Gonorrhoea is caused by a spirochaete bacterium, Treponema palladium


    The incubation period for syphilis is 2 to 14 days in males and 7 to 21 days in females


    Both syphilis and gonorrhoea are easily cured with antibiotics

  6. Select the incorrect action of hormonal contraceptive pills from the following


    Inhibition of spermatogenesis.


    Inhibition of ovulation


    Changes in cervical mucus impairing its ability to allow passage and transport of sperms


    Alteration in uterine endometrium to make it unsuitable for implantation

  7. ABO blood group in man is controlled by _____.


    Multiple alleles


    Lethal genes


    Sex linked genes


    Y-linked genes

  8. What can be the blood group of offspring when both parents have AB blood group?


    AB only


    A, B and AB


    A, B, AB and O


    A and B only

  9. Hershey and Chase experiment with bacteriophage showed that ______.


    Protein gets into the bacterial cells


    DNA is the genetic material


    DNA contains radioactive sulphur


    Viruses undergo transformation

  10. E. coli cell grown on 15N medium are transferred to 14N medium and allowed to grow for two generations. DNA extracted from these cells is ultracentrifuged in a cesium chloride density gradient. What density distribution of DNA would you expect in this experiment?


    One high and one low density band


    One intermediate density band.


    One high and one intermediate density band.


    One low and one intermediate density band

  11. Which of the following was the contribution of Hugo de Vries?


    Theory of mutation


    Theory of natural Selection


    Theory of inheritance of acquired characters


    Germplasm theory

  12. Which period was called “Age of fishes”?









  13. Amphetamines are stimulants of the CNS, whereas barbiturates are ______


    CNS stimulant


    both a and b




    CNS depressants

  14. Allergy involves









  15. Cyclosporin – A is an immunosuppressive drug produced from _______


    Aspergillus niger


    Manascus purpureus


    Penicillium notatum


    Trichoderma polysporum

  16. The gases produced in anaerobic sludge digesters are


    Methane, oxygen and hydrogen sulphide


    Hydrogen sulphide, methane and sulphur dioxide


    Hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen and methane


    Methane, hydrogen sulphide and CO2.

  17. The genetic defect adenosine deaminase deficiency may be cured permanently by


    Enzyme replacement therapy


    periodic infusion of genetically engineered lymphocytes having ADA cDNA


    administering adenosine deaminase activators


    introducing bone marrow cells producing ADA into embryo at an early stage of development.

  18. Transgenic animals are those which have


    Foreign DNA in some of their cells


    Foreign DNA in all their cells


    Foreign RNA in some of their cells


    Foreign RNA in all their cells

  19. Predation and parasitism are which type of interactions?




    (+, O)


    (--, --)


    (+, --)

  20. The organization which published the red list of species is









  21. Assertion(A): The Environmental conditions of the tropics are favourable for speciation and diversity of organisms.
    Reason(R): The climate seasons, temperature, humidity and photoperiod are more or less stable and congenial.


    Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason explains Assertion correctly.


    Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.


    Assertion is true, but Reason is false.


    Both Assertion and Reason are false.

  22. SMOG is derived from:






    Both (a) and (b)


    Only A

  23. Pollen tube was discovered by ______.









  24. Which one of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance?


    Flower colour in Mirabilis Jalapa


    Production of male honey bee


    Pod shape in garden pea


    Skin Colour in humans

  25. An allohexaploidy contains ______.


    Six different genomes


    Six copies of three different genomes


    Two copies of three different genomes


    Six copies of one genome

  26. pBR 322, BR stands for ______.


    Plasmid Bacterial Recombination


    Plasmid Bacterial Replication


    Plasmid Boliver and Rodriguez


    Plasmid Baltimore and Rodriguez

  27. Micro propagation involves _____.


    vegetative multiplication of plants by using micro-organisms.


    vegetative multiplication of plants by using small explants.


    vegetative multiplication of plants by using microspores.


    Non-vegetative multiplication of plants by using microspores and megaspores.

  28. Cryopreservation means it is a process to preserve plant cells, tissues or organs _____.


    at very low temperature by using ether.


    at very high temperature by using liquid nitrogen


    at very low temperature of -196°C by using liquid nitrogen


    at very low temperature by using liquid nitrogen

  29. Which of the given plant produces cardiac glycosides?









  30. Which of the following plant has a non-succulent xerophytic and thick leathery leaves with waxy coating









  31. Profundal zone is predominated by heterotrophs in a pond ecosystem, because of ______.


    with effective light penetration


    no effective light penetration


    complete absence of light


    a and b

  32. Which of the following are not regulating services of ecosystem services
    i) Genetic resources
    ii) Recreation and aesthetic values
    iii) Invasion resistance
    iv) Climatic regulation


    i and iii 


     ii and iv


    i and ii


    i and iv

  33. Which of the following would most likely help to slow down the greenhouse effect.


    Converting tropical forests into grazing land for cattle.


    Ensuring that all excess paper packaging is buried to ashes.


    Redesigning landfill dumps to allow methane to be collected.


    Promoting the use of private rather than public transport.

  34. Depletion of which gas in the atmosphere can lead to an increased incidence of skin cancer?






    Nitrous oxide



  35. Match Column I with Column II

    Column I Column II
    i) William S. Gaud I) Heterosis
    ii) Shull II) Mutation breeding
    iii) Cotton Mather III) Green revolution
    iv) Muller and Stadler IV) Natural hybridization
    i ii iii iv
    i ii iii iv
    i ii iii iv
    IV II I IV
    i ii iii iv
  36. Match column I (crop) with column II (Corresponding disease resistant variety) and select the correct option from the given codes.

    Column I Column II
    I) Cowpea i) Himgiri
    II) Wheat ii) Pusa komal
    III) Chilli iii) Pusa Sadabahar
    IV) Brassica iv) Pusa Swarnim
    iv iii ii i
    ii i iii iv
    ii iv i iii
    i iii iv ii
  37. Assertion: Vegetables are important part of healthy eating.
    Reason: Vegetables are succulent structures of plants with pleasant aroma and flavours.


    Assertion is correct, Reason is wrong


    Assertion is wrong, Reason is correct


    Both are correct and reason is the correct explanation for assertion.


    Both are correct and reason is not the correct explanation for assertion.

  38. Find out the correctly matched pair.


    Rubber-Shorea robusta


    Dye-Lawsonia inermis


    Timber-Cyperus papyrus


    Pulp-Hevea brasiliensis

  39. Anaphylactic shock is due to


    Allergic reaction


    Secretion of toxins


    Secretion of histamines


    All the above

  40. B cells that produce and release large amounts of antibody are called


    Memory cells




    Plasma cells


    killer cells

  41. Multiple fission is seen in _______


    Vorticella and ceratium


    Plasmodium and paramecium


    Amoeba and cyanobacteria


    Vorticella and plasmodium

  42. This technique is used to diagnose the chromosomal abnormities.


    Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)


    Micro Testicular Sperm Extraction





  43. Height in humans is 


    Somatagenic variation


    Discontinuous variation


    Continuous variation


    Both B and C

  44. DB is a standard abbreviation  used for the quantitative expression of


    The density of bacteria in a medium


    A particular pollutant


    The dominant bacillus in a culture


    A certain pesticide

  45. A scrubber in the exhaust of a chemical industrial plant removes


    Gases like sulphur dioxide.


    Particulate matter of the size 5 micrometer or above.


    Gases like ozone and methane


    Particulate matter of the size 2.5 micrometer or less

  46. An ovule which becomes curved so that the nucellus and embryo sac lie at right angles to the funicle is









  47. In order to calculate map distance of genes on a chromosome, this has to be considered


    Number of mutant genes


    Cross over percentage


    Recombination frequency of each gene locus


    Non cross over percentage

  48. _____________ technique helps in identification of transformed cells in culture media.


    Blue white colony selection


    Antibiotic resistant markers


    Replica plating


    Agarose gel electrophoresis

  49. If we uncover half of the forest covering the earth, what crisis will be produced at most and the first?


    Some species will be extinct


    Population and ecological imbalance will rise up


    Energy crisis will occur


    Rest half forests will maintain this imbalance

  50. Which plant in cultivated for about 7,500 years?


    Oryza sativa


    Triticum aestivum


    Secale cerale




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