New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

Sample 3 Mark Creative Questions (New Syllabus) 2020

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 63

    Part A

    21 x 3 = 63
  1. How is Multimedia available in public places?

  2. Write the steps to delete a character or word or block of text.

  3. Write the steps to Draw Rectangles or Ellipses.

  4. Write a short note on Row (or Record or tuple)

  5. Write short note on. Var_dump( ) function with Example

  6. Write the advantages of functions.

  7. Write, a PHP program to display independenc day and republic day the greetings using If elseif else statement.

  8. Draw the For loop Structure and Flow chart

  9. Explain briefly about fopen( ) function

  10. What is the use of SQL statements in PHP?

  11. What is Resource Sharing?

  12. What are the various Generation of Mobile Networks?

  13. Write a short notes on Wi-Fi

  14. Write a note on Country top-level domain names.

  15. How to determine the type of Ethernet Cable?

  16. Write short note on Open-Source Software and Developers

  17. When a company is can be called E-business?

  18. What are the three widely used card based payment systems?

  19. What Is mean by E-cash?

  20. What is Cyber Squatting?

  21. What is EDI interchange?


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