New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

Connecting PHP and MYSQL 1 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 00:20:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 15

     Multiple Choice Question

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. Which one of the following statements instantiates the mysqli class?


    mysqli = new mysqli()


    \($\)mysqli = new mysqli()


    \($\)mysqli - > new.mysqli()


    mysqli - > new.mysqli()

  2. which one is correct way, we can retrieve the data in the result set of MySQL using PHP?








    All the above

  3. How Can we Create a Database Using PHP and MySQL?


    mysqli_create_db(“Database Name”)




    create_db(“Database Name”)



  4. _______is important to all computer and Internet related applications








    None of these

  5. Which of the following is not an RDBMS?




    IBM DB2


    Microsoft SQLSERVER


    None of these

  6. Connection to the Database Server machine via PHP scripting language using _______ Function


    mysqlLaffected_rows( )


    myvscu connect_.erron( )


    mysqlLfetch_assoc( )


    mysqli_connect( )

  7. _______IS a function, helps to execute the SQL query statements in PHP scripting language


    mysqli_closet( )


    mysqlLconnect_error( )


    mysqli_query( )


    mysqli_connect( )

  8. _______Function is used to close an existing opened database connection between PHP scripting and MySQL Database Server.


    mysqli_close( )


    mysqli_connect error( )


    mysqli_query( )


    mysqli_connect( )

  9. A) DB2 - 1)Connect database
    C) Mysqli_close( ) Function - 3)One of the major operation
    D) Mysqli_connect( ) Function - 4)Close an existing opened database

    1 2 3 4


    4 3 2 1


    2 3 4 1


    2 4 3 1

  10. A) DB2 - 1)Open source
    C) MySQL - 3)Microsoft
    D) Oracle - 4)Oracle Corporation

    2 3 1 4


    4 3 2 1


    2 3 4 1


    2 4 3 1

  11. A)MysqlLcioseO Function - 1) Four parameter
    B) MysqlLconnectO Functio - 2)Two parameters
    C)mysqli_ query Function - 3) No parameters
    D)mysqli_connect_errpr( ) - 4)One Parameter

    2 3 1 4


    4 3 2 1


    2 3 4 1


    4 1 2 3

  12. A)Mysqli_ciose( ) Function - 1) Fetches a result row
    B) Mysqli_connect( ) Function - 2)To execute the SQL query
    C) mysqli_query( ) Function - 3) To connect to database server
    D) mysqli_fetch_assoc( ) - 4)To close an existing opened database

    2 3 1 4


    4 3 2 1


    2 3 4 1


    4 1 2 3

  13. A) mysqli affected rows( ) - Returns the number of affected rows
    B) mvsqti connect error( ) - Returns the error description
    C) MySQL MAX Function - Select the highest value for a certain column
    D) MySQL MIN Function - Select the lowest value for a certain column

    2 3 1 4


    1 2 3 4


    2 3 4 1


    4 1 2 3

  14. Which growths of data need a secure and convenient environment to store and manipulate autonomously?









  15. In which Database Management System all features are available?








    None of these


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