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12th Standard English Medium Chemistry Subject Electro Chemistry Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25

    Part I

    5 x 5 = 25
  1. In fuel cell Hand O2 react to produce electricity. In the process, H2 gas is oxidised at the anode and O2 at cathode. If 44.8 litre of H2 at 250C and 1 atm pressure reacts in 10 minutes, what is average current produced? If the entire current is used for electro deposition of Cu from Cu2+, how many grams of Cu deposited?

  2. A copper electrode is dipped in 0.1M copper sulphate solution at 25oC. Calculate the electrode potential of copper. [Given: E0Cu2+|Cu = 0.34V].

  3. 9.2\(\times\)1012 litres of water is available in a lake. A power reactor using the electrolysis of water in the lake, produces electricity at the rate of 2\(\times\)106 Cs−1 at an appropriate voltage. How many years would it take to completely electrolyse the water in the lake. Assume that there is no loss of water except due to electrolysis.

  4. Write a note on sacrificial protection.

  5. Ionic conductance at infinite dilution of Al3+ and SO4 2- are 189 and 160 mho cm2 equiv-1. Calculate the equivalent and molar conductance of the electrolyte Al2(SO4)3 at infinite dilution.


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