New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Computer Science Reduced Syllabus Three Mark important Questions With Answer Key - 2021(Public Exam )

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 02:40:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    3 Marks

    25 x 3 = 75
  1. Mention the characteristics of Interface.

  2. Wha happens if you modify a variable outside the function? Give an example.

  3. Write a short note an syntax for function types.

  4. Define Global scope with an example.

  5. Write the different factors in which the time efficiency of an algorithm its measured

  6. Write the function of the following
    (i) Ctrl + N
    (ii) Ctrl + S
    (iii) F5

  7. Fill up the blanks to get the following output from Python code given.
    Enter Number 1: 34
    Enter Number 2: 70
    The Sum = 104
    X = \(\overset { (1) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \) (input ("Enter Number 1:"))
    Y = \(\overset { (2) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \) (\(\overset { (3) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \) ("Enter Number 2 :"))
    \(\overset { (4) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \) ("The sum =", \(\overset { (5) }{ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ } \))

  8. Write a short note on comment statement.

  9. What are the rules followed while defining python identifier?

  10. Write a note on "Required arguments".

  11. Write a note of return statement.

  12. Write a note on (i) min (), (ii) max (), (iii) sum ().

  13. Write a short about the followings with suitable example:
    (a) capitalize( )
    (b) swapcase( )

  14. Write the output of the following statements.
    (i) print (len ("Corporation"))
    (ii) print ("school", Capitalize ())
    (iii) print ("Welcome" center (15, '*'))

  15. What is the output for the following code?

  16. Write a note on dictionary comprehension.

  17. What is the role of DBA?

  18. Write a note on different types of DBMS users.

  19. Write a note on DBMS or write a note on a software that allows us to create, define and manipulate database.

  20. Write a note on open() function of python. What is the difference between the two methods?

  21. Write a Python program to read a CSV file with default delimiter comma (,).

  22. How will you create CSV normal file?

  23. What are the applications of scripting language?

  24. What is the use of Where Clause.Give a python statement Using the where clause.

  25. Write any three uses of data visualization.


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