New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    3 Marks

    25 x 3 = 75
  1. Why strlen is called pure function?

  2.  What is the side effect of impure function. Give example.

  3. Define Global scope with an example.

  4. Define Enclosed scope with an example.

  5. What are the factors that influence time and space complexity.

  6. Write a note on Asymptotic notation.

  7. Explain Ternary operator with examples.

  8. Write short notes on Escape sequences with examples.

  9. Using if..else..elif statement write a suitable programs to display largest of 3 numbers.

  10. Write the basic rules for global keyword in python.

  11. What happens when we modify global variable inside the function?

  12. What is composition in functions?

  13. Write a short about the followings with suitable example:
    (a) capitalize( )
    (b) swapcase( )

  14. What will be the output of the given python program?
    str1 = "welcome"
    str2 = "to school"
    str3 = str1[:2] + str2[len(str2)-2:]
    print (str3)

  15. Write a shot note about sort( ).

  16. What will be the output of the following code?
    list = [2**x for x in range(5)]
    print (list)

  17. Write a class with two private class variables and print the sum using a method.

  18. What is the role of DBA?

  19. Explain Cartesian Product with a suitable example.

  20. Write a SQL statement to modify the student table structure by adding a new field.

  21. Write any three DDL commands.

  22. Write a Python program to read a CSV file with default delimiter comma (,).

  23. What is the difference between the write mode and append mode.

  24. What is the use of Where Clause.Give a python statement Using the where clause.

  25. Write any three uses of data visualization.


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