New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

12th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    2 Marks

    25 x 2 = 50
  1. Write the pseudo code for the representation of the rational number using constructor & selector.

  2. Write a note on pair datatype

  3. How a class defines a data abstraction?

  4. What is the use of LEGB rule?

  5. Write the output of the following program
     Disp 1():
             print a
     Disp 1():
     print a

  6. What is algorithm analysis?

  7. Name the two factors, which decide the efficiency of an algorithm.

  8. Write a note on Big omega asymptotic notation.

  9. Why the following statement is incorrect? Give reason.

  10. Name the tokens where the whitespace in necessary in python.

  11. Find the odd man out? Give reason.
    (i) sum = 100
    (ii) regno = 12401
    (iii) name = "Kannan"
    (iv) name = "Kumar"

  12. Write a note on relational or comparative operator.

  13. Write the description of the following Escape sequence character.
    (i) \n
    (ii) \t

  14. What are keywords?

  15. What are the two types of looping construct in python?

  16. What will the output of the following program?
    for i in range (1,9, 2):
            print (i, end = ' ')
            print (")n. End of the loop")

  17. What is meant by block in python?

  18. Write the output of the following program.

  19. Write the syntax for passing arguments to functions.

  20. How will you manipulate the strings?

  21. Write a python a program to print your name 10 times.

  22. if strl = "Welcome to learn python", then write the output for the following.
    (i) print (strl [10 : 16])
    (ii) print (strl [10 : 16: 4])
    (iii) print (strl [10: 16: 2])
    (iv) print (strl [: : 3])

  23. What is the use of formatting operator?

  24. What is nested list? Give example.

  25. What is Tuple in python?


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