6th Standard English Medium Maths Subject Term 1 Numbers Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

6th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25

    5 Marks

    5 x 5 = 25
  1. Read and expand the number 50000, 676097

  2. The heights (in metres) of the mountains in Tamil Nadu are as follows:

    SI.No Mountains Height (in metres)
    1 Doddabetta 2637
    2 Mahendragiri 1647
    3 Anaimudi 2695
    4 Velliangiri 1778

    (i) Which is the highest mountain listed above?
    (ii) Order the mountains from the highest to the lowest.
    (iii) What is the difference between the heights of the mountains Anaimudi and Mahendragiri?

  3. The number of people who visited the Public Library for the past 5 months were 1200, 2000, 2450, 3060 and 3200. How many people visited the library in the last 5 months.

  4. Round off the number 78,794 to the nearest thousands.

  5. Read the table and answer the following questions.

    Name of the Star Diameter (in miles)
    Sun 864730
    Sirius 1556500
    Canopus 25941900
    Alpha Centauri 1037700
    Arcturus 19888800
    Vega 2594200

    (i) Write the Canopus star’s diameter in words, in the Indian and the International System.
    (ii) Write the sum of the place values of 5 in Sirius star’s diameter in the Indian System.
    (iii) Eight hundred sixty four million seven hundred thirty. Write in Indian System.
    (iv) Write the diameter in words of Arcturus star in the International System.
    (v) Write the difference of the diameters of Canopus and Arcturus stars in the Indian and the International Systems.


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