7th Standard English Medium Science Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

7th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 45
    15 x 3 = 45
  1. A solid cylinder of mass 280 kg has a volume of 4 m3. Find the density of cylinder.

  2. What do you mean by constant acceleration?

  3. List out the metals, non-metals and metalloids which you use in your house, schools. Compare their properties.

  4. The atomic number of an element is 9. It has 10 neutrons. Find the element from the periodic table. What will be its mass number?

  5. Ginger is considered to be a stem, not a root. Why?

  6. Your friend says that her hair is thin, spares and lost very often. Suggest your ideas to reduce this problem.

  7. The body temperature of Srinath is 990F. Is he suffering from fever? If so, why?

  8. Define electrical conductivity.

  9. Is solar eclipse a periodic change? Give your reason.

  10. Why the cell is very important for us?

  11. Write any two merits of Five Kingdom classification.

  12. Two plane mirrors M1 and M2 are placed perpendicular with each other, as shown in figure. The ray AB makes an angle 39 ° with the plane mirror M1, then

    1. The reflected rays are ________,_______
    2. The incident rays are ______, ________
    3. What is the angle of incident corresponding to the ray BC?
    4. What is the angle of reflection corresponding to the ray CD

  13. Give the expansions of PSLV and GSLV.

  14. A plastic bag dumped in the soil stays without breaking down for 500 years. If a new generation starts in every 30 years, how many generations would it take to see the plastic bag finally broken down?

  15. Silk fiber is used to manufacture parachute. Why?


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