Geometry Important Questions

8th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    4 x 1 = 4
  1. Two similar triangles will always have ________angles









  2. If in triangles PQR and XYZ, \(\frac{PQ}{XY}=\frac{QR}{ZX}\) then they will be similar if


    ∠Q = ∠Y


    ∠P = ∠X


    ∠Q = ∠X


    ∠P ≡ ∠Z

  3. If ΔABC~ΔPQR in which ∠A = 53o and ∠Q = 77o, then R is









  4. In the figure, which of the following statements is true?


    AB = BD


    BD < CD


    AC = CD


    BC = CD

  5. 9 x 2 = 18
  6. In the given fi gure prove that ΔGUM ~ ΔBOX

  7. In the given figure, if ΔEAT~ΔBUN, find the measure of all angles.

  8. In the given figure, \(\triangle\)BCD is isosceles with base BD and ∠BAE ≡ ∠DEA Prove that AB ≡ ED.

  9. In the given figure, D is the midpoint of OE and ∠CDE = 90°. Prove that ΔODC ≡ ΔEDC

  10. In the figure, ∠TEN ≡ ∠TON = 90o and TO ≡ TE. Prove that ∠ORN ≡ ∠ERN.

  11. Construct the following quadrilaterals with the given measurements and also find their area.
    KITE, KI = 5.4 cm, IT = 4.6 cm, TE = 4.5 cm, KE = 4.8 cm and IE = 6 cm.

  12. Construct the following quadrilaterals with the given measurements and also find their area.
    PQRS, PQ = QR = 3.5 cm, RS = 5.2 cm, SP = 5.3 cm and ∠Q = 120o.

  13. Construct the following quadrilaterals with the given measurements and also find their area.
    MIND, MI = 3.6 cm, ND = 4 cm, MD = 4 cm, ∠M = 50° and ∠D = 100°.

  14. Construct the following quadrilaterals with the given measurements and also find their area.
    YOGA, YO = 6 cm, OG = 6 cm, ∠O = 55°, ∠G = 35° and ∠A = 100°.

  15. 6 x 3 = 18
  16. If PQ || RS and ∠ONR = 30o find ∠MON and hence ∠MOX .

  17. Find the unknowns in the following figures

  18. Find the unknowns in the following figures

  19. (Illustrating SAS Similarity)
    If A is the midpoint of RU and T is the midpoint of RN, prove that ΔRAT ~ ΔRUN .

  20. (Illustrating ASA Congruence)
    If ∠YTB ≡∠YBT and ∠BOY ≡∠TRY, prove that Δ BOY ≡ Δ TRY

  21. (Illustrating RHS Congruence)
    If TAP is an isosceles triangle with TA = TP and ∠TSA = 90°
    Is ∠P = ∠A? Why?

  22. 2 x 5 = 10
  23. Construct a quadrilateral DEAR with DE = 6 cm, EA = 5 cm, AR = 5.5cm, RD = 5.2 cm and DA = 10 cm. Also find its area.

  24. Construct a quadrilateral MATH with MA = 4 cm, AT = 3.6 cm, TH = 4.5 cm, MH = 5 cm and ∠A = 85°. Also find its area.


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