Term 1 Living World of Animals - Diversity in Living Organism - Kingdom Animalia 3 Marks Questions

9th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30
    10 x 3 = 30
  1. Give an account on phylum Annelida.

  2. List the excretory organs of invertebrates in relation to their habitats.

  3. How is the body wall of coelenterates arranged?

  4. Differentiate between flat worms and round worms?

  5. List five characteristic features of fishes.

  6. Comment on the aquatic and terrestrial habits of amphibians.

  7. How is the reproductive characters of mammals different from those of Aves?

  8. On the basis of Position of notochord, classify the different Prochordates. Justify your answer.

  9. How are the limbs of the birds adapted for avian life?

  10. List the integumentary glands of mammals.


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