New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Important 5 Mark Creative Questions (New Syllabus 2020)

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 125

    Part A

    25 x 5 = 125
  1. Write notes on binary fission in animals.

  2. Write a note a extra embryonic membranes.

  3. What is infertility and write its causes.

  4. Write a note on allosomal chromosomal abnormalities.

  5. List the salient features of genetic code.

  6. Give a detailed account of a transcription unit.

  7. Explain about the objections to Darwinism.

  8. Explain the events in life cycle of plasmodium in the secondary host/Man

  9. Describe the structure of lymph node with a labeled diagram

  10. Describe the stages of Sewage treatment process

  11. Explain the creation of Dolly

  12. List the differences between R selected and K selected species.

  13. Write the general strategies in conservation?

  14. Point out the effects of Noise pollution

  15. Give the characteristic features of Anemophilous plants.

  16. Describe incomplete dominance exhibited by Mirabilis jalapa.

  17. List out the significance of ploidy.

  18. Explain Agarose Gel electrophoresis technique.

  19. Enumerate the advantages of Artificial seeds.

  20. Point out any five morphological adaptations of epiphytes.

  21. Write a note on the strategies of ecosystem management.

  22. Write short notes on Bio-monitoring.

  23. Give a comparative account on Seaweed liquid fertilizer.

  24. Draw a table mentioning binominals, family name, useful part and their medical uses of any five local medicinal plants

  25. Write a note on different types of antigen antibody reactions.


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