New ! Physics MCQ Practise Tests

Recent Developments in Physics Model Question Paper 1

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. The alloys used for muscle wires in Robots are _____.


    Shape memory alloys


    Gold copper alloys


    Gold silver alloys


    Two dimensional alloys

  2. The particle which gives mass to protons and neutrons are _____.


    Higgs particle


    Einstein particle




    Bulk particle

  3. __________ Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) showing the nano structures on the surface of a leaf from a lotus plant


    Parrot fish


    Morpho butterfly


    Lotus leaf surface


    Peacock feathers

  4. Best example for applications of nanotechnology is ______________.


    Chemical industry






    all of these

  5. Zno is an example of __________


    Bulk solid


    Nano solid


    Bulk solid and Nano solid


    None of the above

  6. 8 x 2 = 16
  7. Mention any two advantages and disadvantages of Robotics.

  8. What are sub atomic particles?

  9. What is the role of nanostructure in the morpho butterfly wings?

  10. What are God particles?

  11. What is the use of household robots?

  12. Define nano solid?

  13. What is the two ways of preparing nano particle?

  14. What is use of robotics?

  15. 8 x 3 = 24
  16. What are the possible harmful effects of usage of Nanoparticles? Why?

  17. Discuss the functions of key components in Robots?

  18. Write the application of nano robots in medical field?

  19. What is particle physics?

  20. Write the two ways of preparing the nano materials.

  21. Write the aim of artificial intelligence in robots.

  22. What is robotics?

  23. Write a note on Gravitational waves.

  24. 1 x 5 = 5
  25. Write the advantages and disadvantages of robotic.


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